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We are very appreciative of your support

Current Projects

Thank you for supporting the Rotary Clubs of Santa Rosa East/West and Sausalito
International Projects

While our respective Rotary clubs sponsor many projects in Africa and Latin America, we are focused on two in particular:

Uganda Solar Cookers

Solar cookers and fruit tree plantings in Uganda (and soon in Tanzania)

Floating Doctors

Floating Doctors is a healthcare organization in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Paying volunteers will be participating in The Immersion Program which consists of learning about remote healthcare and cultural awareness in the indigenous Ngabe communities.

*Please note that a donation to either project is tax-deductible.

We Help around the world

Other Projects

Mali Solar Lights & Midwife Kits

Bringing light to nighttime childbirth

Bringing light to nighttime childbirth.

Family Reunification Program

Keeping kids home and off the streets.

Literacy Program

Helping schools in rural Uganda with tools for better learning.

Past Projects